Apart from that, I will be doing more scrapping. I recently had 300 odd photos printed, so I have to. Here's one I did today, in between making a delicious dinner for guests, going shopping, and cropping photos for my flower sale. More on that later... first the page:
This is my Dad. I don't have many photos of him for some reason, but I like this one. He looks nice and relaxed, and he was. I was staying with them for a few days and we were having the regular afternoon balcony time. This page is for the Step By Step Challenge on the Home & Scrapped facebook group for August, by Julie, who was challenging us to step outside our normal limits and get busy with patterned papers. I used a mixture of old and new papers from my stash, and some items from a swap I did online with some fellow scrappers last year. I like it for a change to my usual white background pages.
If you are interested I happen to know that Home & Scrapped is happy to have new scrappy friends join them and play along, so come and check out our happy little group.
For the last few weeks I have been busy making flowers in my spare moments (and my stolen moments), and I am finally ready to share my creations with you. I am having a sale, starting on 1st September, on my facebook page Heather's Handmade Flowers. I have all sorts of shapes and colours available, so happy with them! I am going to love seeing them on pages and cards here and there. Here are a few of my sets:
Now I may be biased (ya think?) but I think they're rather yummy. Go on, you know you need some :-)
Here's another few, just for fun.
Have a wonderful scrappy week, love Heather x
One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of the things you can't change.